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Connecting people to Alaska’s diverse history, art and cultures by supporting the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum

THANK YOU for being a friend

Individual or corporate donations are another way to support Alaska’ State Library, Archives and Museum special events, provide honorariums for guest speakers and artists, and purchase historical objects and fine arts.

A Forever Friends endowment fund has also been established with the Juneau Community Foundation to provide a sustainable future funding source for SLAM exhibits, events, and acquisitions.  Donations in any amount can be made directly to the Forever Friends Endowment Fund.  You can also make a gift to the endowment fund in your estate will or trust as part of a planned giving donation.

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Donate directly to our Forever Friends Endowment Fund housed at the Juneau Community Foundation.

© 2021 Friends of the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum

P.O. Box 22421, Juneau, AK 99802 

FoSLAM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

Alaska State Museum | 907-465-2901

Alaska State Library | 907-465-2920

Alaska State Archives | 907-465-2270

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